Thursday, March 17, 2011

Split personality

I never really though about how difficult it is to have more than one major, long-term focus in life at a time.  I'm currently juggling Honduras and school, as well as other myriad things that come up (Grandpa's house stuff, Stephen's Ministry,Campus Life, working out, keeping my house clean, tutoring, etc.).  Most of the time it hasn't been too strenuous, because I can put one on hold while the other one is requiring a lot of attention.  However, the last two weeks have been pretty work intensive on both fronts (but thankfully Stephen's Ministry has backed off for the time being).  I have lists to myself everywhere (mostly digital) of things that I need to get done.  I'm trying to keep them in one place, but I also am trying not to forget to write anything down, and it's a little exhausting.  Just a bit...  I know that it's been overwhelming when I haven't even been thinking about Spring Break coming up...I'm more focused on just getting through this week/weekend well.

New developments on the Honduras front:
- I'm now at least 29.2% funded.  [I say at least because there are people who have told me that they are going to donate, but I haven't counted them because the money isn't in the may be closer to 35%].
- The article about my trip in the school paper came out this past Tuesday.  I think it was pretty well written.  I've gotten a higher number of questions about my trip (and understandably so) over the past few days.
- I'm speaking in church on Sunday (which has taken up a fair bit of my concentration lately as I'm trying to figure out what exactly to say).
- My prayer cards showed up last night.  They're really cute and I love them...basically.  And I have over 900 some anyone who wants one...I'll be including them in thank you notes ;-D.  (I will, but if you want one otherwise, just let me know.)  I'll have them in church on Sunday.

I think that's what's been updated in the last week.  I'm sure there are things I'm missing, but now I need to switch focus and work on school stuff.  Mostly figuring out the test for this chapter in physical science.

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