Friday, February 25, 2011

Reminders are necessary

It's been a long, draining, lonely, frustrating, sleep-deprived week.  Sadly, there were only 4 days of school this week...and it seemed like we went for an extra day, not one day less.

I've been feeling lately that things have been working out TOO know the feeling you get at times when everything seems to be falling into place and you're just waiting for the first snag to come.  This week, I think, was that first snag.  I have seen so many ways that God has been directly guiding me down this path, and it honestly has seemed too easy.  Life lessons have taught me that nothing is really that easy...and so it almost seems like I've been waiting for something "wrong" or "bad" to happen.  And this week may have been it.  It was a week of unfulfilled expectations and unexpected challenges.  I was so glad today was Friday and I have the weekend to recover...well, some of it at least.

And yet, I had a chance to sit down today and chat with someone I haven't been able to catch up with in a while, and I needed that.  Because as I began to share with her all the things that God has been doing, and the ways He has been leading me in the last few months, it helped put this week into perspective.  I know there will be times when I will be stretched and tested as I continue this adventure.  Granted, I wasn't looking for them to occur so soon.  I thought I'd be able to put off the "stretching" experiences at least until I got to Honduras.  I'm comfortable where I am, I have my plan in mind...and then God shows me that His plan is way beyond my plan.  And I know I'm going to need that reminder from time to time...the reminder that this is really His journey, and He's allowing me to follow along.  And if life is frustrating or I feel like it's going out of control I need to bring my concerns to Him, rest in the knowledge that He is in control, and that He can give me peace.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

God continues to provide for me

A little more than a month ago, the NHS sponsor came to me saying that she had a group of students who needed a "project" and she wanted to make me/Rancho Ebenezer their project.  The idea was they would have a fundraiser.  I figured it was great, because I'm sure Rancho Ebenezer would appreciate it.

She approached me last period and said she has a group to lead this project, and they're going to be doing a fundraiser this year to help me go, and next year, after I'm there, we can talk and see what is needed down there, and then they'll have a drive or fundraiser of some sort to help the school out, but their first goal is to help me raise money to get down there.  I didn't expect that.  And it's really cool, I'm excited about it...on multiple levels.

Also after school today I'm being interviewed by someone from the school newspaper because they're going to do an article about me for the March edition of the paper.  Which means we're going from all the teachers knowing about this (it was on a powerpoint at our last faculty meeting, which I followed up by e-mailing everyone), to everyone at school knowing about this.  It's gotten so much larger than I ever anticipated at school.  I knew I was going to tell the math and science department, because I was going to be gone from a year, and they would definitely notice.  I also needed to tell my principal for (hopefully) obvious reasons.  She stopped me a few days before the meeting and said it was going to be up on the which point I decided to refine the e-mail I had drafted so I could send it out to all the teachers (after the meeting).  Then the school paper, and now NHS.  My guess is the rest of the school year is going to be hectic. :-)

Now, I just wish I could see updates on funding more frequently than once a month.  Because it will be interesting to see how the verbal response is (or is not) translating into a financial response.  And because my department chair keeps asking for updates on least he did until I explained to him that I only see it at the end of the month.  I guess I need to practice patience a little more...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Surprises :-) [The good kind]

Everything was set.  My support letter had been checked over.  I was ready to go...but I hadn't officially sent it out to anyone.  So I was rather surprised to find I already had $100 in my account for Honduras.

How this happened: I've been talking about this at school, because they needed to know that I'm not going to be here next year.  It's been on facebook, etc. One of the teachers at school approached me about two weeks ago and said that she wanted to pass my information on to her family, because they often are willing to support things like what I'm doing.  The day after the board officially approved my leave of absence, I e-mailed her with the information, website where you can donate, etc...which she passed on.  Her father, whom I'm never met, donated the money. 

I find it interesting that the first "official" monetary donation to this whole cause is from someone who doesn't know me, and has never talked with me. 

I have my plan, I've been advised to have a plan in terms of who to ask for money, how to ask, etc.  This is totally beyond my plan.  This is something that never even occurred to me.  It's like God telling me not to worry about this.  I have a plan, but His plan is broader than mine could ever be.  I never considered asking anyone to pass information about me to other people.  [Maybe I should at some point.]  Not only does this show me that God has a plan, it puts to rest any concerns I have about whether or not the website has been set up properly, if donations will be credited to me correctly, etc.  My name had been on the WGO website for only 2 days before he donated.  [Not that I thought it had been set up incorrectly, however there are all sorts of random questions that have come to my mind over the past month or so...and that was one of them.]

Unfortunately I only get monthly updates on donations.  That donation came in January 31st.  Anything given since then I haven't been able to see yet, and won't until the end of the month.  Which means I will have to practice patience in this whole thing...and hopefully won't find myself panicking in June :-).  God has a plan...I just have to keep reminding myself of this...or He could keep reminding me.  I wouldn't mind more random $100 donations :-D.  Or any amount, really.

I have e-mailed my prayer letters to family.  The next wave (friends) will be coming out shortly.  If you want in on that, you're welcome to let me know.  You can e-mail me: .  Or there's always facebook...