Thursday, April 28, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I got my ticket! (I originally put about a dozen exclamation points after that, but it seemed a bit of an overkill.)

I am officially over 80% funded.  (I'm about 82% funded.)  This is assuming that people who have signed up for monthly donations follow through on their monthly donations...but since many of those were set up electronically, unless something changes, they should go through. 

I'm officially flying out on July 20th.  Which is less than three months away.  And when I think about everything I have to get done in those three months...  I won't think about that too much, I'm just going to focus on what needs to get done next.  And right now, that's set up for the chem lab my class is doing tomorrow.  But I just figured I'd update everyone...I got the plane is now officially official (and starting to feel a little more real).

Saturday, April 23, 2011

He is Risen!

He is risen indeed!

I'm a little early to really be talking about Easter (about 2 hours early) but as we celebrated Easter with my family (and some extended family) today, it seems fitting to me, even if it isn't officially Easter yet.

This past week I haven't had much time to focus on Honduras, but I have had a lot of time to focus on why I'm doing this...and that's because Jesus came down to Earth, died in my place, and gave me an opportunity to live eternally with Him, provided I realize that I can't get there on my own, I need his help, and surrender everything to Him.  Part of that surrender is to live my life in the way that He has called me to live it, and based on what I have seen and experienced in the past 9 months, this is what he wants me to be doing with my life right now.  We are called to care for the widowed and orphaned, for the "least of these".  And I can't think of anyone who fits the description better than those children who have been abandoned, orphaned or displaced. 

I don't know long term where this will lead.  Right now I'm viewing it as a one-time, year-long commitment.  I haven't gotten leading one way or the other there.  I will be there for one year.  I will be back here for at least a year.  I know I'm supposed to go, so I'm going.  There are probably those who think I'm crazy.  Others who probably think I'm a really good person.  The truth is, that I know if I stayed here and ignored this call, I'd be miserable. The first few months of this school year, I was miserable...because my heart wasn't here.  I was doing what I needed to do, but there was no joy in it.  God put a passion in me for the people of Honduras, for these give them the opportunity of a lifetime - give them an education they "shouldn't" be able to get, based on their original circumstances.  And God is providing for me in ways I never could have foreseen when I started this.

The most recent actually happened today.  We had all my family in for Easter, including my brother who lives in California and flies somewhere every week for his job.  Part of what I've been praying about lately is finding someone to live in my house, and money to get home for Christmas this year, because I would love to see everyone then, and I'll have some time off.  I was told somewhere in the process that I should be able to take two weeks.  I just need to have the means to get back here.  In talking with my brother, I found that he usually flies one of the three airlines that have commercial flights into Tegucigalpa...and he gets frequent flyer miles...many frequent flyer miles.  So I asked him about the chance of using some of those to get home for Christmas.  He looked online, and provided the dates he checked work, he already has enough to get me home and back to Tegucigalpa...I'll just have to pay taxes, etc.  [And he agreed to let me use them.]  So right there is at least $800 I don't have to worry about getting on top of what I have to raise already.  And in talking with my other brother (and sister-in-law), they're talking with friends and seeing if anyone needs to rent out a house for a year.  Hopefully something will come of all this.  I know it's in God's hands (I'd just like to see it happen sooner rather than later!).

So even though I said I haven't technically had a lot of time to think about Honduras...well, developments are happening.  I got a bit more money donated last week.  I'm not expecting much (if any) came in this past week, mostly because I haven't heard from anyone saying they were donating.  I'm currently above 75%.  I need less than $1,000 more to officially get my plane ticket (or at least discuss getting my plane ticket).  And I need about $5,000 more overall to be fully funded.  God knows where the money is coming from.  I have been so overwhelmed by the generosity of my family, my friends, my church, and random people I don't really know.  It's been incredible to see how God has been working so far.  All the glory goes to Him.  His care for us didn't end with Jesus' death and resurrection.  He is still working in the lives of His people on Earth.  As we remember what He did for us...and as we see how He provides for us, we need to ask ourselves what we do for Him.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reminders are ALWAYS good

Today was an encouraging day in many ways...but most of all because I was given an opportunity to share again with others the ways that God has blessed me and is blessing me.  They are stories that amazed me when they happened over the last few months, but then they became part of the past, and I turned to focus on the next thing.  In many ways I have a short attention span...not unlike the media when it comes to diasters and wars and large-ish stories.  In the days following the earthquake in Haiti last year and in Japan earlier this year there was a huge rush to find information, tell stories, video footage, etc.  But quickly, their focus moved to something else.  When it comes to what God has done in my life, sometimes I'm like that as well.

As I began thinking about, praying about, and preparing to teach in Honduras, I was entering into it as a step of faith.  I didn't know where the money was going to come from, I didn't know what was going to happen with my house, with my job, with my cat, car, other belongings.  How would my family react?  My friends, co-workers, administration at school, and everyone else?  So it started with prayer...and after the prayer, more prayer, as well as moving forward when I was prompted to apply.  Soon it became evident that God was saying go.  In my mind, that was still going to be at least a year away...most everyone I spoke with said the fund-raising would probably take half a year at least.  But when I got the call, I got the call for this coming school year...and so I agreed...and started raising support less than 5 months before I need to be there for next school year.

Initially, I was set to get monthly reports.  By the end of the month of February, I was 15% funded.  It was a start, but it was also somewhat discouraging.  Because there was one month gone, 4 left to go, really...and at that rate, well...God was going to have to get things going.  At that point, I was switched to "weekly" reporting...which was something of a teaser, because initially it didn't get set up correctly, so I was just getting weekly re-updates of February (which hadn't changed...still 15%).  I got one weekly report correctly, which was also encouraging, and that week alone brought my total up to around 30% (due in large part to one very generous donation).  I thought that was pretty good, because it at least was growing, and I was pretty sure then that March would at least be a bit more than February had been. 

Spring break started, and I was sitting, from what I knew, at about 35%, from the week that I had seen.  I had a chance to e-mail back and forth with the person who was trying to get the weekly reporting set up, and he not only got everything fixed, but he also sent me a monthly update so I could see the entire month.  With that update (with a week still to go in March) I was closer to 50%.  Wow!  Maybe I could get this money raised after all.  By the end of spring break (1 week later) I was closer to on getting back to school, I was able to fill in an awful lot of the "fundraising thermometer" on my board.

The update last Monday got me above 70%.  Which means, looking back on it, in the span of a month and a week, I went from 15% raised to 70% raised...which translates to over $10,000.  And these are only counting the people who have actually given...I have more people who have told me they are planning on giving, but haven't yet (for various reasons).  I've had people come up to me this past week and either ask for the information so they could donate, or just give me money (which does get put aside for me to purchase things I need for the trip...I am being very careful about how I handle personal donations).

I have been completely overwhelmed by how God has provided for this opportunity and who He has used.  I have been so blessed by my family, my friends, my church, and people I don't even know.  I get to buy (or at least look into buying) a plane ticket to Honduras once I'm over 80% funded.  I was hoping I'd be able to get that by the middle to end of May.  I may have that by the end of April!  God is so good, He is so faithful...and I'm so blessed to be following Him on this venture.  Even though there are times when I wonder where the rest of it is coming from, or who is going to take my house while I'm gone.  When I'm fixating on the little things, the details, etc...I just have to remind myself that He has shown me in so many ways that this is where he wants me to be, this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and He knows how all those details will be resolved.

On the way home today, a song was playing on the radio...and it was basically perfect for what I was thinking about:

Here I Am (by Downhere)

Here I am, Lord send me
All of my life, I make an offering
Here I am, Lord send me
Somehow my story is a part of Your plan
Here I am

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I should be going to bed...

...but instead I'm wide awake after speaking at Campus Life tonight.  It ended up being a cool night and I had a lot of good conversations with high schoolers.  The topic in the curriculum was "global pain" I basically got to show pictures and share stories of times I've been down in Honduras and what I'm going to be doing in Honduras for the next year.  And there were a few newcomers of which is a current student of mine.  The students were awesome, they were attentive...I couldn't have asked for a better audience.  And listening in on the small group discussions it seems that a lot of them know at least some of what goes on in the world.  I'm just trying to encourage them to do something about it.  Many of them care, or say they care...but caring from afar doesn't do much.  James talks in the Bible about how it's easy to say "Go in peace, keep warm and well fed" but by themselves, the words mean nothing if you don't follow through with actions.  If you see someone hungry, and tell them that you hope they find food when you have food to spare...or just to share...really?  What are you really showing them there?  If you say "I care about the problems in the world" and then go about your daily life ignoring what's going on beyond your own little world, how much do you really care?  If it means something to you, you'll do something about it. 

I remember being in Aldi one day last year, and the person in front of me was most likely poor, and possibly homeless.  He had in his hands cheap food that didn't require cooking or refrigeration and he wouldn't put it on the he wanted to keep it close.  I wasn't paying much attention to him, honestly, I had other things on my mind.  But I noticed, while he wasn't looking, the person in front of him gave the cashier an extra $10 to help the guy pay for his food.  The person who paid extra didn't look to be much better off, honestly (and I know appearances can be deceiving). It still hit me that the guy who paid extra was paying attention to those around him and helping out where he could.  At that time, it wouldn't have occurred to me to pay for someone else's food.  It does now...and I've done it.  God used someone I don't know, and a random moment to open my eyes to how I can help others in little ways.  The best part, is the guy who paid made sure he got out of the store quickly...he didn't want to be thanked, he didn't want to be noticed.  He also, I'm sure, didn't want to be paid back.  I wonder how many opportunities I miss just because I'm not looking for them.

I'm over 70% funded right now.  It's starting to seem more real...I just need to make it through the rest of the school year...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Things that make me smile :-)

I'm not usually a fan of Mondays.  I have trouble dragging myself out of bed.  I move slower, it takes me longer to get out of the house than the rest of the week, I don't usually wake up until about 3rd period (so apologies to my first two classes of the morning), and in general it's not my favorite day.  But I've also looked forward to Mondays recently because that's when I get updated in terms of donations for the previous week.  The last few Mondays have been good Mondays...and today was no exception.

I am continually being overwhelmed by the generosity of people as they pray for me and donate money toward getting me to Honduras.  In this past week, I had over $3,000 donated to my trip, which brings me up over 70% funded...and that's at the low end of things.  I've also had people who have told me they are planning to donate, and if I take those people into account (the ones who have given me amounts) I'm really close to the 80% I need for my plane ticket.  And all of that in happened in about 2 months.  God continually amazes me with how He is providing for me, and who He uses to provide for me.  Some people who have donated surprised me.  From people I don't even know, to people I rarely talk with...I've had some suprising donations.  I've had other donations that far outstripped my expectations.  In this, I'm pretty sure God is showing me that I can't limit Him in what He is doing and how He works...because His vision for this is much broader than anything I could have expected.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Providence or Coincidence

At times, it's difficult to know the difference.  Some would attribute everything that happens to coincidence.  Others would say that every minute detail of your life is divine providence.  I'm probably somewhere in the middle...but I've seen a lot in the past few months that I would have difficulty chalking up to mere coincidence.  And today...well...the jury is still out on that one.

I've spent a lot of thought over the past few months in determining how best to pare down my financial output, especially for when I won't be here/won't be pulling in a regular "salary" for a year.  I'm looking into what I can do with my cell phone (I won't be using it down would cost over $2 per minute to call back to the states!), car insurance (I won't be driving down there), how to save money now to cover costs incurred (I'm doing okay with saving at the moment), etc.  One of the things I've considered is looking into refinancing my mortgage.  I've had my house for a few years now, I bought it before the market took a nose-dive, which means that my current rate, while not awful, isn't as low as current rates.  I was actually going to pursue that during spring break, but I got sick, so that (among a few other things planned) didn't happen.

Today, after school, I spent a few minutes talking with another teacher who had recently refinanced.  She said that she would give me contact information for the person she used tomorrow.  (She thought he did a good job, and treated her fairly.)  So I figured I would start searching tomorrow.  I got home, put my stuff down, and was sorting my mail (in the kitchen) when my home phone rang.  [Now, understand, I don't usually rush to answer my home phone.  The VAST majority of the time it's politicians, fundraisers, donation requests, or wrong numbers.  Most everyone who actually knows me, calls me on my cell phone.]  I was standing right next to it, so I picked it up. was my bank (where I have my mortgage) wondering if I'd consider refinancing with them. 

Ummm...okay.  I had been home less than 3 minutes, had been standing right next to the phone (the only reason I picked it up), and had already been considering looking into a refinance opportunity.  [I think I shocked the guy on the other end of the line when I said I was interested.]  I was transferred to one of their loan people, and had a very informative conversation about refinancing.  Going off of my notes (and later referencing the documents I was sent), it appears that I can drop my mortgage by close to $200 per month while in Honduras, "save" for a month, and if after I come back from Honduras, I return to my current payment level (because there's no penalty for paying early), pay off the mortgage a few years early, and cheaper in the long run.  What's not to like?

I still am looking into this.  I'm not necessarily going to jump on the first offer, but I'm seriously considering it.  I have paper work to go through, documents to search, and potential second opinions...and prayer.  And more prayer.  But it seemed an awfully large coincidence