Thursday, August 11, 2011

Almost Friday :-)

Regardless of country, when teaching school, Friday is a good day.  Tomorrow marks the end of the second week of school, just as yesterday marked the end of my 3rd week in Honduras (or the beginning of my 4th week, whichever way you want to look at it).  In some ways it seems like I've been here forever, and in others it seems like I just got here.  I'm getting to know "my" kids, scholastically at least.  Some of them are great, and some of them really haven't grown up yet...which is understandable when you consider I'm teaching 6th - 12th grade.  That's a lot of growth time.  There's a huge difference between Freshmen and Juniors (sometimes).  Senior year...well, I think there's some reverting that often happens.  But still, it's been a definite learning curve as I try to figure out how to teach younger kids, what I can expect from them, and what guidance they need.  In some ways I feel like I'm back to a first year teacher, trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.  I have no reputation here to fall back on...or rather I didn't walk in with a reputation.  I've had two positive comments from students relayed through two different teachers, which is always encouraging.  Starting over in a new school is difficult enough without the whole language barrier.  Granted, my students speak English...with varying levels of proficiency.  Some are very good, and others are conversational, but not necessarily science/math vocabulary proficient.  Math is easier, because regardless, you can show, step by step, on the board, and with simple words and gestures get your point across.  Science...well, that's been an adventure at times. 

I've done a better job this week of being more involved with people.  There has been less hibernating in my room.  I've visited the house next door a bit, spent a bit of time with my roommates (when they weren't playing Mario), and actually had (some long) conversations with people.  I'm mostly getting more comfortable with the people here, which is good.  And I think I've mostly figured out who understands and appreciates sarcasm...aka the people with whom I will be spending the majority of my free time.  I also make it through today (and yesterday I think) not messing up Franklin's name.  [Pretty much every day last week, I called him Kevin at least once...Kevin is his younger brother...and I feel bad about that.] 

There are a few more school things I need to get done.  I potentially have quizzes to write for tomorrow, I have to check what I already have on file.  I need to finish lesson plans for next week (I just have Physics left to look at, so they're mostly done).  I lose one of my prep periods tomorrow because of chapel, so I may want to get that stuff figured out and copied today...but of course that would be thinking ahead too much, right.  Anyway, so back to doing real work stuff.  I hope you all have a blessed day, and I'd love to hear what you're up to. :-)

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