Friday, January 7, 2011

Word is leaking out...with a variety of responses

As I’ve shared with people about this journey I’m preparing for and hoping to take starting in July, I’ve received varied responses, ranging from super excited for me to harshly questioning what would possess me to do this.  The other day I was speaking with a high schooler and was asked the question why I would be going.  I said I was going to be teaching at an orphanage.  The response was a “well, why do they need chemistry?”  Assuming that he was picturing orphans as primarily young children, I explained that I would be teaching at a K-12 school, so the students I would be teaching would be his age.  He seemed a little more understanding with that, but definitely still questioning why in the world I would go.  Others that seemed against the trip initially (or questioning why I would want to go) eventually changed their views as they’ve heard more about it, seen pictures, etc.  In some cases they’ve actually become really supportive!  And then you have people who have been excited from the first.  I had one teacher find me today to tell me that NHS wants to take me on (well Rancho Ebenezer on) as a “project”.  Basically they want to plan a fundraiser to do here at our school to raise money for the ranch.  I’m not sure I even know any of the kids in this NHS group.  I’ve had students disappointed because they were hoping to have me for chemistry next year.  For something that I figured would just be a personal decision, it’s gotten a lot more of a response than I ever anticipated.  I appreciate that, because I can talk about it for hours…but people actually let me!  I so appreciate how encouraging and supportive most everyone has been (which probably means you, if you’re reading this!).  I appreciate the prayer, words of encouragement, and the energy I’ve gotten from seeing you all get excited for me, as I’m preparing for this journey.  Thank you all so much!

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