Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Isn't it ironic...

In thinking about my past experiences, things that I've gone through and things that I've done, I'm finding that there are many seemingly inconsequential things that now add up to make this opportunity possible and beneficial...

- I took Spanish in high school, as opposed to French or German (I guess they offer Chinese now, too).
- I debated between going into nursing or teaching...but after tutoring for a few years and finding an aptitude for it, I decided on teaching.
- I attended the college that gave me the best scholarship...however they didn't have the best degree selection (for me).  I wanted to teach Chemsitry.  They didn't offer a Chem/Secondary. Ed degree.  I had the option (if I continued to go there) of getting a full Chemistry degree and either a Math/Sec. Ed degree or a Biology/Sec. Ed degree.  I decided to do the path of least (intellectual) resistence for me, and double major in Math Secondary Ed, even though that did require more credit hours.  But this now allows me to teach both subjects down in Honduras.
- I was asked to interview (and later hired) at a high school I had never actually applied to.  They had a resume, dropped off at a job fair.  I got a random phone call at 9:30 at night asking me to come in and interview for a Chemistry position.  I didn't even know where the school was located.  At this school, I have had the opportunity to teach both science and math, good preparation for what I will be doing.
- I have tenure...which is what gives me the chance to leave and return to teach in the same district.
- There are teachers retiring at the end of next school year, which also means that whoever is hired for my position (if anyone is) will potentially get to stay permanently.
- I have had many opportunities to travel outside the United States without family, so it is something I'm very comfortable doing.  [I have actually never been outside the country WITH family, other than Carolyn joining me in Honduras this past summer...and we traveled on different airlines, so I'm not sure if that counts.]
- I have, somehow, some way, over the last 8 or 9 months, become much more outgoing.  This is not something I tried to develop.  I was happy being an introvert (and it's not that I'm really an extrovert now, but I'm much more comfortable meeting new people and striking up conversations with random strangers).
- A friend's daughter is getting married at the beginning of the summer, and she and her soon-to-be husband are interested in renting out my townhouse while I'm gone for the next year.

These are just what has come to mind right now.  I'm sure if I thought about it I could come up with many many more ways that I have been prepared for this, and that the timing is right.  God works in amazing ways.

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