Monday, June 27, 2011

T minus 22 days and 7 hours...

It's difficult to believe that in a little over 3 weeks I'm going to be in Honduras. I've been spending the past few weeks trying to whittle down the to-do list (and finish reading Harry Potter y la Orden del Fenix). Mostly, what's left on my to-do list now is shopping and packing (and writing about a half-dozen letters of recommendation for students who were thinking ahead). I think I have everything else pretty much lined up. I have the documents I should need for residency, I have medical insurance, I have a passport (which I'm pretty sure was assumed, but just in case you all thought I was missing something pretty major)...I still need to get some copies of my passport, but that won't be too difficult. I'm over 90% funded (even with the budget rising, and rising again...). And funds keep coming in. The going away party is scheduled (and if you haven't gotten an invitation and want the information, let me know).

Things I still need to get done...
- Physically pack...I have lists made of what I'm bringing, what I still need to purchase, but the actual fitting of everything in as few containers as possible without exceeding weight limits still needs to be accomplished.
- Get those copies of my passport.
- Finish my online Spanish class (which has helped me as I'm reading through the Harry Potter series in Spanish...and reading books in Spanish has helped me with my class as well).
- Write my July update (which I can't do yet, obviously, because it's not July)
- Wrap up everything I need to at school (LZ)...I've been there a few days so'll probably take me another day at school, maybe two to get everything finished, organized, and ready to sit for a year.
- Write letters of recommendation (and drop them off at school, or contact the students)
- Double check and triple check everything!

It's very strange to realize that my time here is limited.  Suddenly, as I do each activity during the day I think of how few opportunities I'll have to do that activity before I leave.  As my leave date gets closer, somehow this seems both more real and more surreal.  It's always difficult for us to picture how life will be when circumstances or location change...and our expectations are almost always different than the reality that comes. 

Well, I should probably get back to being somewhat productive...and/or watching more NCIS.

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