Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Surprises :-) [The good kind]

Everything was set.  My support letter had been checked over.  I was ready to go...but I hadn't officially sent it out to anyone.  So I was rather surprised to find I already had $100 in my account for Honduras.

How this happened: I've been talking about this at school, because they needed to know that I'm not going to be here next year.  It's been on facebook, etc. One of the teachers at school approached me about two weeks ago and said that she wanted to pass my information on to her family, because they often are willing to support things like what I'm doing.  The day after the board officially approved my leave of absence, I e-mailed her with the information, website where you can donate, etc...which she passed on.  Her father, whom I'm never met, donated the money. 

I find it interesting that the first "official" monetary donation to this whole cause is from someone who doesn't know me, and has never talked with me. 

I have my plan, I've been advised to have a plan in terms of who to ask for money, how to ask, etc.  This is totally beyond my plan.  This is something that never even occurred to me.  It's like God telling me not to worry about this.  I have a plan, but His plan is broader than mine could ever be.  I never considered asking anyone to pass information about me to other people.  [Maybe I should at some point.]  Not only does this show me that God has a plan, it puts to rest any concerns I have about whether or not the website has been set up properly, if donations will be credited to me correctly, etc.  My name had been on the WGO website for only 2 days before he donated.  [Not that I thought it had been set up incorrectly, however there are all sorts of random questions that have come to my mind over the past month or so...and that was one of them.]

Unfortunately I only get monthly updates on donations.  That donation came in January 31st.  Anything given since then I haven't been able to see yet, and won't until the end of the month.  Which means I will have to practice patience in this whole thing...and hopefully won't find myself panicking in June :-).  God has a plan...I just have to keep reminding myself of this...or He could keep reminding me.  I wouldn't mind more random $100 donations :-D.  Or any amount, really.

I have e-mailed my prayer letters to family.  The next wave (friends) will be coming out shortly.  If you want in on that, you're welcome to let me know.  You can e-mail me: bethanytollberg@gmail.com .  Or there's always facebook...

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