Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sunburn in November?

I think I managed to avoid it, actually, but it was close.

This past week has been an interesting one where school is concerned.  Instead of finishing up with finals, like I'm accustomed to, we finish the year with celebrations...and cleaning.  My last "normal" day of school was Tuesday.  Wednesday we had the first class, and then activities, culminating in a soccer game with the visiting brigade (last one of the year).  Then today, I was responsible for supervising a few of the students with cleaning three of the classrooms (and other teachers were responsible for other students and classrooms).  After that, we had a Christmas party (and watched Elf).  After lunch we headed up to the campo (soccer field) for games.  I figured I was going to sit on the sidelines, read more of my Spanish homework, and watch occasionally.  I ended up participating, initially against my wishes.  And while the morning had been overcast and rainy, the sun came out shortly before we got up to the campo...and while I brought bug spray, I didn't think to put sunscreen in my bag.  The bug spray was used and appreciated by multiple people.  I think I did manage to avoid actually getting burned...but my face and arms definitely have more color than they did this morning.  And there were a few bugs that managed to get past the spray...but only a few.

This afternoon I spent the time playing catch up with my Spanish homework - reading a book in Spanish (or part of a book) and writing in my journal in Spanish.  Evidently I did well, because my teacher told me that she's only going to speak with me in Spanish from now on.  My initial response to her (in Spanish) was if there are other people around who don't speak Spanish, it would be rude...and I'll need to make sure I'm always around those who don't speak Spanish (I have a few people to choose from there).  After class I told her that if she wants to talk with me in Spanish, that's fine, it probably will help me a lot.  But just the thought of only operating in Spanish is a little intimidating.  I want to get to that point...but at the same time I want to have the safety net to fall back on.  My personality type...I can be something of an intellectual diletante...and once I get good enough at something where I know I could gain proficiency, it's no longer as important and I move on.  This would get me past the "good enough" point.  I want to get past that while my first impulse was to object, I know I should encourage it.

Tomorrow is graduation, and then...freedom...well, after a fashion.  I will have more flexibility in my schedule, but next week starts probably four weeks of curriculum development, not to mention tutoring.  I'm sure I'll have other things going on as well.  I leave for home exactly one month from today (or 4 weeks from Saturday).  That will be a whirlwind by itself, I'm sure.  I'm trying to come up with a schedule for what I'm doing each day...which will probably be the only way that I get to see everyone ("everyone" is a fairly loose term there).  I'll be at LGCC the first Sunday (Dec. 18th), probably go into school and then spend the rest of the day at Starbucks in LZ sometime that week (Tuesday maybe?)...we're going up to Minnesota for Christmas, and I don't know what else yet.  But for now I have 4 weeks in which I will probably do a good job of keeping myself busy...and I have 12 more days to finish my novel.  Which I may work on tonight before going to bed...or I may forget it, go to bed, and work on it tomorrow after graduation.

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