Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wrapping Things Up

I've been moved into my parents' house for a couple of weeks, but now I'm officially here.  On Friday, I gave up my cat - and from the sound of things she's settled in pretty well.  It was a little strange going home to an empty, cat-free house.  I spent the rest of the night (with help) cleaning out my house completely, so I was ready the next morning to hand over the keys.  I'm now without a house and without a cat...and that much closer to leaving for Honduras.  I have two weeks of school left, and then I'll have to get things organized at school so I can leave for a year and not return to a mess.
In many ways it feels like everything is coming to an end.  I have mixed feelings about it.  One one side, I'm excited that so many things have come together.  It's been very evident that I am doing what God wants me to do.  He has worked out all the details, the funding (which is almost fully in), provisions, etc.  On the other hand, it's starting to hit me everything that I'm going to miss.  Living with my family for the past few weeks has been wonderful, but it also makes me realize that I'm not going to see them for months.  I think the longest stretch I've gone so far without seeing them in person is about a month, when I was doing undergrad research in Carbondale.  College was close enough to where I could usually come home on the weekends when I wanted to.  I'm sure the time down in Honduras will go quickly, but I know it's going to be tough at times.  And it's not just family...I'll miss seeing my friends, people from church, and everyone I know.  My prayer is that I will quickly make new friends and connections there, but there is an element of uncertainty as I'm preparing to do this.  My new mantra is "there's always Facebook"...and I'm pretty sure I'll be living online for at least the first month or so...getting to know new people, but making sure to keep up connections with people here.  Part of my fear is that in throwing myself into life down there, I'll lose connection with my friends here.  I don't want that.  I know there is a certain amount of distance that will happen...I'll be experiencing new things, growing in new ways, learning and changing.  My friends here will be having experiences, growing and when I return I will not be the same, and they will not be the same.  My hope and prayer is that both cases will be changes for the better, and that these changes will enrich our friendships...and also I hope I don't tire everyone out by constantly talking about Honduras for weeks on end when I return. :-)

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