Thursday, April 5, 2012

Long Overdue...

There are weeks that go by with nothing to write about.  It's just the same old stuff going on: school, detention duty, campo supervision, soccer games, hanging out with my house and the house next door, etc.  The last two weeks have had many things that I've thought "I really should do another blog entry" but haven't gotten around to it.  So let's see what I can do to catch up...

Two weekends ago I spent at a missionary conference.  It was very interesting.  The emphasis was mostly on determining where your passion lay, and then making sure that you were working in your area of passion.  [Okay, it was understood that we all have things that we have to do...administrative things or whatever that we usually don't have a passion for, but our focus and ministry should line up with our passion.]  I got a chance to talk with a number of missionaries there from all over Honduras in many different ministries.  I spent some time helping a missionary learn how to use her iPad (she saw me using mine, said she got one for her birthday but had no idea what she was doing, and regretted that she hadn't brought it along...and then found out that her husband had brought it).  There was a lot of relationship building and random conversations.  It was a really good chance to get to know people, and think a little bit more of this transition that I'm coming up on.

Speaking of the transition back home, I have purchased my plane ticket to go back to the States.  I'm flying in on June 17th.  It's a Sunday, and this will allow me to go to my church here one last time, say goodbye to everyone, and get dropped off at the airport.  It also gives me a week to get acclimated to the States again before seeing EVERYONE from back home at church.  Arriving late Saturday night and going to church Sunday morning last December was a lot to deal with...I enjoyed seeing people, but wow.  I don't know when I'm going to be moving back into my house, probably the beginning of July.

I will be coming back here on the medical brigade with my church the last week in July.  I may also stay at the Ranch for a week or two before or after that to help the next teacher with figuring out the curriculum (or subbing if he's not here yet).  I will definitely be back in time for my school back home to start.  It will be an interesting summer to say the least.  Last summer was all preparation to come here...this summer will be transitioning to life back in the States.  Leaving is going to be really bittersweet.  I miss people back home so much...but I'm going to miss the friends I've made here.  Some of them I can keep up with on facebook, but my students here aren't on facebook (shocking I'm sure).  The fact that I have a return date to Honduras, temporary as it is, will most likely be beneficial in that transition.

This week has been very relaxing.  We're on Semana Santa (Holy Week) which is a week of no school...and I've taken them as vacation days, so I haven't had to do anything.  Monday I went to Villa Elena - a country club - and had fun with some of the kids at the pool.  One of the little kids in particular is fearless...he kept wanting to do flips in water over his head even though he can't swim...completely trusting that I would be able to get his head above water when he was done. 

I've made it into the city a couple times for night at Fridays (yes, they have it here) and last night was at a small Italian place.  After dinner last night the group of us went to see Los Juegos del Hambre (Hunger Games).  It was the first time I've been to the movies here.  It was interesting.  The movie was in English with Spanish subtitles.  That meant that audience responses to what was happening on screen happened when people finished reading the subtitles, not when the characters said the lines.  A little disconcerting, but I enjoyed the movie anyway.

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