Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Allergies? Really?

Since I've returned to Honduras I've had what I thought initially was a cold.  I was coughing, sneezing, sinus problems, runny nose, whatever.  But when I was inside certain buildings it was better, and when I was outside it was worse, and it didn't make any sense for any cold I've ever had...which leads me to believe that it's not a cold.

Growing up, the only allergy I've had to deal with is to a medication.  I haven't had plant induced allergies, I don't dread the changing seasons.  But i'm pretty sure there is some plant down here that is pollenating or whatever that I am allergic to...something I don't encounter back in the States.  Because I'm not used to dealing with allergies, it took me until Monday to come to the conclusion that I might be dealing with allergies.  Yesterday I took some 24 hour allergy medicine (one of the advantages to having keys to the clinic...I didn't have to wait for someone to get it for me), and I took another one today.  I have noticed a difference.  The symptoms aren't completely gone, but they're not as severe.  On one hand, I'll take that as a win...on the other, I don't want to have to deal with this for however many months.  The plus side is there are meds, the down side is I need them.

Hopefully the meds do what they're supposed to do, I'll get used to taking them, and I can get through this.  It does beat feeling miserable and going through a box of Kleenex a day (not too much of an exaggeration).

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